Road Resurfacing and Traffic Calming
Project Overview
Infrastructure is a high priority for the City of Royal Oak. Rochester Road, a major thoroughfare that averages 16,000 vehicles per day, was identified as a roadway needing improvements. The 1½ mile segment, from N. Main Street to 13 Mile Road, was well beyond its expected useful life, having fallen to a PASER rating of Poor (2) due to intense traffic and multiple car crashes. A road resurfacing project allowed the City to construct significant roadway improvements while also significantly reducing stormwater runoff.
Prior to construction, the City contracted with F&V to perform a traffic study and determined that a 4-to-3 lane conversion was feasible for this corridor, and help reduce car crashes. City staff designed the project and contracted with F&V for construction engineering and administration of the Rochester Road Improvements. The project included reconstructing the curbs to provide a narrower roadway, which reduced the impervious surface area along the project, and also beautified the corridor with more grass.
The project also included 0.2 miles of watermain improvements between Dewey Street and 12 Mile Road, three roadside rain gardens for stormwater infiltration, and pedestrian safety upgrades with crosswalk refuge islands, pedestrian crossing signals and ADA compliant ramps.