Designing Ways to Move You Forward

Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineering involves the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems to help build livable communities, with a focus on smart, safe, and efficient transportation for all users.



Transportation Engineering Services

Transportation engineering is the planning, construction, and operation of systems for moving goods and people by highway, rail, bridge, air, and water, as well as urban and intermodal transportation.

F&V is not only interested in the infrastructure and the vehicles, but also the user. An understanding of the interaction of all three is key to understanding the system as a whole to address a community’s needs effectively.

We are experienced in the following aspects of transportation engineering

  • Road and Highway Design
  • Bridge & Structure Design
  • Traffic Engineering and Design
  • Non-Motorized Infrastructure Design
  • Construction Engineering
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Let’s Start on Your Next Project

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Why Choose Fleis & VandenBrink?

F&V is committed to delivering transportation projects that improve mobility and quality of life in communities by understanding and satisfying our customer’s needs. We have demonstrated a holistic view of community and user concerns to deliver sustainable solutions to design build and operate successful projects.


Key Role

Aside from rebuilding existing infrastructure, transportation engineers play a key role in designing innovative transportation systems that optimize sustainability, safety, and quality of life.


Transportation is essential for not only the economic activities in communities, but also to provide access to all users and various types of vehicles for everyday mobility. A balanced approach to transportation needs enhances the quality of life for a community’s residents.


Many municipalities are responsible for designing and maintaining the road system within the community. Transportation engineer’s expertise with planning, funding, and design of streets assists communities with improving safety, easing congestion, pedestrian needs, and extending the usable life of the street through maintenance methods. A transportation engineer with knowledge of funding programs, multi modal needs, and maintenance treatments can assist a community with planning, design, and construction to maximize available funding dollars.