Expanding our services to meet your needs

Specialty Services

As clients’ projects develop, and needs and goals are identified, we work to deliver on our promises and have grown our expertise around the needs of our clients. This has lead to the hiring and development of specialized services, including Asset Management, Underwater Diving Inspection, and Project Funding and Financing.

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Let's work on something special together

Ready to transform your vision into reality? Give us a call or email below!

Why Choose Fleis & VandenBrink?

We have grown our expertise around the needs of our clients. This has expanded our skillset and allows us to provide specialty services.



We recognized early on that in order to meet the growing needs of our clients, we would need to expand our services. Over the years we've added several specialty services to complement our engineering services to better serve clients.


Innovation is not simply acquiring the latest device or software, it is using the most efficient technology that is the most effective for the particular problem at hand. As our past ACEC awards demonstrate, we consistently seek out solutions that blend cutting edge technologies with proven methods and equipment. F&V uses leading-edge technologies and tools to give us the ability to creatively select and use the most efficient tools and methods to solve problems, not simply address symptoms of the problem. That, we believe, is the true value of innovation.


We have over 250 professionals holding more than 60 professional licenses, over 35 separate operations certifications, and more than 20 required professional training certificates.


  • Municipalities and government agencies
  • Industrial plants
  • Commercial businesses
  • Private development firms
  • County road and drain commissions
  • Engineering firms


Asset management plans begin with identifying and inventorying clients’ assets. Then we evaluate their condition and remaining useful life to develop proactive methods to maintain, optimize useful life, and replace assets in a prioritized manner. Give us a call to get your asset management plan started or updated.