Building Demolition Management

Fleis & VandenBrink offers building demolition project management services backed by decades of experience.

Our Demolition Management Services

The expert staff at Fleis & VandenBrink have decades of experience in building demolition project management. While we don’t do the physical work of the project, we prepare the biddable specifications, assist in reviewing and evaluating bids, and provide oversight during the demolition to ensure the contractor is following the specifications.

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Tell Us About Your Project

Looking for an experienced demolition project management company? Reach out to our team and we will be happy to talk about your project.


Why Choose Fleis & VandenBrink?

Fleis & VandenBrink has been offering demolition project management for well over a decade, and our staff have been doing this work for even longer. Our team has extensive experience with hazardous materials, specification writing, project management, and engineering. We know what the potential risks and pitfalls are—and how to manage them. We have our own equipment such as dust monitors that can be operated fully remote and monitored 24/7.

F&V also specializes in helping our clients find grant opportunities to pay for their building demolition projects. We look for opportunities like Michigan’s brownfield redevelopment grants, which can offset the costs of the demolition.

Building Demolition Near You

F&V works on commercial, civil, and large residential projects throughout both Michigan and Indiana. We have managed demolitions for hospitals, prisons, government complexes, and multi-story buildings. We’ve also completed large-scale residential projects, typically as part of a blight removal grant.

Building Demolition


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