Water Improvements Flush Out Discoloration
Project Overview
The City of McBain had been struggling with water quality issues for years, especially discoloration and sediment in the distribution system. Residents were complaining about having to excessively run their water faucets, sinks, and bathtubs, before it became clear enough to use. City officials were also struggling with having to flush its elevated storage tank monthly in effort to clear the system of the discolored water.
Fleis & VandenBrink (F&V) was hired to assist the City in evaluating and navigating water quality issues and identifying the problems.
It was decided that improvements to the water treatment, the distribution system, and the water storage components of the water system were necessary to address the discoloration of the water.
The City received a $4.4 million grant and a low-interest loan from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development program and a loan from the Michigan’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program to construct a water treatment plant and new municipal well, make improvements to the City’s existing Well No. 4, and abandon two older wells.
In addition, improvements to the existing water storage tank, replacement of 11,000 feet of aged cast iron watermain and associated services and new water meters were also completed. F&V provided planning assistance, funding assistance, design engineering, and construction engineering services.
The project upgraded most of the City’s water system, improved the water quality, and eliminated the discoloration issues.
For the first time in years, the City is out of the business of having to do frequent flushing and able to return to bi-annual flushing of its elevated storage.
All the rust-colored water and extra flushing that plagued residents, businesses, and community has been eliminated. Everyone now has clear water on the first draw for drinking, bathing, or cleaning – and no complaints.