Our Demolition Management Services
The expert staff at Fleis & VandenBrink have decades of experience in building demolition project management. While we don’t do the physical work of the project, we prepare the biddable specifications, assist in reviewing and evaluating bids, and provide oversight during the demolition to ensure the contractor is following the specifications.
Tell Us About Your Project
Looking for an experienced demolition project management company? Reach out to our team and we will be happy to talk about your project.
Demolition Planning
Our team can complete a wide range of demolition planning tasks, such as performing asbestos and material surveys and preparing biddable specifications. We will assist with the evaluation of bids and the awarding of the contract. Our team can be your eyes and ears throughout the project. We’ll create and maintain a schedule and prepare a report that documents the meetings and activities throughout the process.
Using GPS, our team will identify where utilities and underground infrastructure are located, place them in engineering drawings, and determine how to properly remove them. We’ll also note the location of the termination in case you want to reactivate them in the future.
Some buildings with zero record of any asbestos in them can still have it hidden in places like window flashing and caulk. That’s why our team does destructive sampling, including taking a sledgehammer to the walls, to check for potential issues according to the National Air Emission Standards.
During this process, which can take several months depending on the size and complexity of the project, we will also work with you to come up with a restoration plan based on what you would like to do with the property. Some of our clients want all the foundations removed because they plan to rebuild, while others prefer to have it graded and lit to create a safe, publicly accessible area. We will take local utilities, drainage options, and other factors into consideration to create a reliable plan you can be confident in.
Demolition Project Management
When it comes time for the demolition, we will continue to provide expertise, support, and oversight. Even the best-prepared demolition project can have new developments that weren’t found in the planning process. That’s why it’s important to have a knowledgeable team helping to make field decisions during the demolition. With decades of experience, our project management staff know how to prepare for the unexpected, and they’ll work to build those factors into the planning and bidding process to minimize change orders.
However, it’s not always possible to check every part of a building, especially its exterior features such as window flashing. So we’ll continue to monitor the air and dust for safety and environmental quality. In some cases, we may not be able to determine the depths of the foundations until the building is demolished, so we’ll give recommendations on whether to leave the foundations in the ground and backfill them or conduct a complete removal.
Demolition Waste Management
There is a wide range of potentially dangerous materials that can be found during the planning and demolition that will need to be addressed properly. Our hazardous material surveys will look for mercury, hydraulic fluid, and other hazardous substances that require special handling and disposal. We will then create a construction and demolition waste management plan with methods to dispose of them. Since the liability of disposal lies with the owner, we’ll create a detailed record of disposal manifests so you can be confident that due diligence has been done.
We’ll work to minimize the materials going to landfills and maximize what gets recycled. Structural steel can be sold to a recycler, while crushed concrete can be reused for roads or as fill material on the project so that it doesn’t have to be hauled off-site.